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Ergebnisse der Zwischenanalyse1

Bar-Or A, et al. Sicherheit und Verträglichkeit der Umstellung auf Siponimod bei Patienten mit schubförmiger Multipler Sklerose: Zwischenergebnisse der EXCHANGE-Studie. Posterpräsentation auf ACTRIMS-ECTRIMS. 2020;P0233.

  • EXCHANGE untersuchte das allgemeine Sicherheits- und Verträglichkeitsprofil bei Patienten mit fortschreitendem RMS oder RMS in der Vorgeschichte, die von injizierbaren und oralen DMTs auf dosistitriertes Siponimod ohne Washout umgestellt wurden.
  • Prospektive, multizentrische, offene, einarmige Studie

  • 113 Patienten aus 42 Zentren in den USA in die Zwischenanalyse einbezogen; 1 Patient im virtuellen Arm

  • Patienten mit ≥ 1 UE (34,8 %)

  • SUE und UE, die zum Absetzen des Medikaments führten, waren gering.

    ‒ Fünf Patienten hatten ≥ 1 SUE*; sechs Patienten hatten ≥ 1 UE^

  • Keine nennenswerte Verringerung der durchschnittlichen Herzfrequenz 6 Stunden nach Tag-1-Dosis gegenüber der Baseline

Table 5

Immediate conversion over 6 days from other DMTs to siponimod was generally well tolerated, with no unexpected findings

Bar-Or A, et al., Safety and Tolerability of Conversion to Siponimod in Patients with Advancing Relapsing Multiple Sclerosis: A Subgroup Analysis by Race and Ethnicity of EXCHANGE Interim Data, Poster presentation at ACTRIMS 2022, P109

  • EXCHANGE study enrolled a diverse patient population and presents opportunity to assess MS treatment patterns and safety/tolerability in conversion to siponimod
  • Prospective, multicenter, open-label, single-arm trial
  • Of 163 patients in the overall EXCHANGE interim population 126 (77.3%) identified as White, non-Hispanic/Latino – 23 (14.1%) identified as Black/African American – 36 (22.1%) identified as Hispanic/Latino
  • Mean heart rate at baseline and 6-hour post first dose in both patient subgroups were comparable to the findings observed in the overall EXCHANGE interim population
  • The most common AE related to siponimod treatment by preferred term was headache in the overall population (n=13; 8.0%), 11 of whom were Hispanic/Latino

Findings of this subgroup analysis by race/ethnicity provide some insights into treatment patterns and safety/tolerability in minority MS patient populations. Siponimod safety/tolerability profile remained consistent with no new or unexpected safety findings identified through this analysis

Bar-Or A, et al., Evaluating Humoral Immune Response to mRNA COVID-19 Vaccines in Siponimod-treated Patients with Advancing Forms of Relapsing Multiple Sclerosis: A COVID-19 Vaccine Sub-study of Phase 3b EXCHANGE Trial, Poster presented at ACTRIMS 2022, P133


  • EXCHANGE is a 6-month, open-label, single-arm Phase 3b trial of safety and tolerability of immediate conversion to dose-titrated SIPO from other DMTs in patients with advancing RMS
  • To report results of a sub-study assessing humoral immune response to mRNA COVID-19 vaccines (Pfizer/Moderna) in a subset of patients enrolled in EXCHANGE
  • Overall, 70% (7/10) achieved a positive humoral immune response to COVID-19 vaccine at the post-vaccination assessment
  • 57.1% (4/7) and 100% (3/3) achieved a positive response after two and three vaccine doses, respectively

Immune response to COVID-19 vaccine

Table updated-2

Albeit limited by small sample size, this preliminary sub-study adds to our understanding of humoral immune responses to mRNA COVID-19 vaccination in patients with advancing forms of RMS who switched to SIPO treatment

AEs, adverse events; CI, confidence interval; DMTs, disease-modifying therapies; RMS, relapsing multiple sclerosis; SAEs, serious adverse events**^




1. Bar-Or A, et al. Posterpräsentation auf ACTRIMS-ECTRIMS. 2020;P0233.
*Das Anwendungsgebiet in den verschiedenen Ländern istunterschiedlich. Die aktuelle Website ist eine globale Informationsquelle.
 Die von den Zulassungsbehörden der einzelnen Länder genehmigten lokalen Verschreibungsinformationen/ Fachinformationen sind die primäre Informationsquelle für das Anwendungsgebiet von Siponimod im jeweiligen Land.

Il programma di monitoraggio intensivo dell’esito della gravidanza (PRIM) si basa sulla migliore farmacovigilanza del sistema di segnalazione spontanea di Novartis. Il PRIM è un programma di monitoraggio intensivo degli esiti degli eventi avversi volto a raccogliere informazioni (liste di controllo di follow-up mirate) sulla gravidanza in pazienti esposte a siponimod immediatamente prima o durante la gravidanza e gli esiti nei neonati 12 mesi dopo il parto.